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Nightmare Festival Survival Guide

The Nightmare Festival survival guide is to help you make the best decisions when preparing for your Halloween weekend. Being prepared will ensure you have the best experience possible. The atmosphere and the people are already amazing – but the truth is that it’s fall and the weather isn’t like summer and many people slack on taking very necessary measures.

While Nightmare is a camping festival, hotels make a great alternative for those who don’t wish to go through the full preparation process. The festival allows re-entry to anyone staying off site. CLICK HERE for hotel options near Nightmare Festival.

There are food & alcohol vendors on site. Bring extra cash to enjoy these great options that are provided. You are welcome to bring your own food & water into the festival, however since there is a liquor license in place we ask that you leave your own stash of alcohol behind as it will be confiscated during your car search.

It’s Halloween and everyone wants to show off their costumes! The only problem is that it can get very cold later at night especially if there is wind. We recommend wearing layers to protect yourself from losing body heat during the event. BRING A WINTER COAT!!

The best ways to stay warm if tent camping are as follows:

– Use a sleeping bag! Blankets can we laid on top & below for extra warmth. Only using blankets will cause you to lose heat overnight.
– Insulate between the ground & your sleeping bag. The ground is COLD and will draw heat from you & your sleeping bag.
– Wear a winter hat & scarf to bed. Your head & neck lose heat easily and will drain heat from the rest of your body.
– Get a propane or kerosene tent heater. You won’t regret it! CLICK HERE for a perfect example.

– winter coat
– socks, underwear, thermal clothing
– winter hat, scarf & gloves
– hand & foot warmer packs
– water & snacks
– extra clothing (keep in a plastic bag to protect from weather)
– sleeping bag
– extra blankets
– space blanket
– toilet paper & antibacterial wipes
– hand sanitizer
– deodorant, face wash, lip balm, first aid kit