Krewella, once a trio comprised of Kris Trindl, Yasmine & Jahan Yousaf recently had a falling out. Kris Trindl, known as RainMan, has recently filed a lawsuit against the sisters in a claim that he was maliciously pushed out in an effort for Yasmine & Jahan to retain bigger earnings. Until the breakup each member was taking equal 1/3 payments. Speculations have since flown all over the internet. Problems like these are rarely black and white and there are often two sides to every story as is most likely the case with this one. Yasmine and Jahan posted on their Facebook page this evening to state the following:
To our krew:
We woke up this morning to the lawsuit Kris filed against us. As you all know, there are two sides to every story. We ask our fans to please be patient and not come to any conclusions until we are able to respond to the lawsuit with the truth. Our team has advised that we don’t get into any specifics until we can properly respond to the false claims made—most importantly being that we did not kick Kris out of Krewella, he resigned. We’re having a really difficult time today. As we write this letter to you, we are in the studio working on the second album. Please hang in there with us, the truth will eventually come out. Thank you for being so supportive, we love you guys.
Love, Y & J