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Big Dub Interview: Luzcid

Badass: So how did it all begin? What gave you that initial push into the scene? 

Luzcid: It all started with me wanting to be a part of something I loved… I really like the feeling of community within the scene. You experience human interaction like nowhere else. Music transcends all the social barriers we have created over the years and it is beautiful to be a part of that.

BA: What is your main source for inspiration behind your music?

L: I grew up loving outdoor adventures, video games and epic sci-fi films. I’m very much a nerd haha. I have always loved epic tales and this is my chance to tell one. I started in this scene as a fan and will always remain one. I love being in the crowd and when writing music I try to do so from in front of the stage and not behind it.

BA: Personally, how would you describe your sound? How has it progressed over the years? What distinguishes you from other DJS?

L: My go to description lately has been space bass. Some hefty hip-hoppy psychedelic bass music. My music has changed a lot over the last few years. It was kind of tough to find out where I wanted my sound or style to land. I was held back by lack of ability for a while. I knew what I wanted to make but did not know how to approach making it. So whatever came out was sometimes cool but not really what I was going for. I can comfortably say I am finally making the music I have always wanted to.

I think what distinguishes me from many other DJs is the story that is told within the set. Ableton Live lets me mix all over the board with genre and bpm and still keep it smooth and coherent. This adds to the whole story tale aspects of my sets in that it lets me take the listeners on a journey through several different moods and genres.

BA: How did you come up with the name?

L: Lucid dreaming has been a large part of my life since middle school. During some tough times a few years back I was sleeping a ton basically dreaming my days away because I was so unhappy with my current situation and lucid dreaming let me escape that. I knew this was not healthy and eventually found a much better escape in music. So I figured LUZCID a fitting name.

BA: What was the first event you ever played at/put on? Since your first event, what are some of the major shows/artists you have worked with or any personal accomplishments your proud of?

L: I played a bunch of how parties to start out in my college town and my first “event” was with my buddy Jay at a local club called Cabaloosa’s. I was and am still grateful to have such an awesome group of supporting friends front row for the sets.

Since my first show a few accomplishments really stand out to me. Playing Webster Hall main floor opening up for Crizzly / Figure / gLAdiator meant so much to me. I saw my first edm show at Webster Hall so playing there was super nostalgic. Another experience I am very grateful for is the chance to work with Bassnectar on a track for his new LP “Into the Sun” called “Science Fiction”. Lorin has been a huge inspiration to me since I entered the scene. I have always looked up to him both musically and mentally. He is a great role model. One of my favorite parts of our collab was bouncing ideas back and forth to come up with the vocal section of the song. Im super happy with what we landed on and it’s the first time I have recorded my voice for a track so that was really cool too.

BA: What are you looking forward to at Big Dub as far as your set?

L: In the last few months I have been getting asked a ton “where can I see you this summer!” My answer is the same every time, BIG DUB! Big Dub is going to be a huge reunion of people I love so I am planning a really special set for the Luzcid family and hope to see it grow.

BA: Anything in particular that you are working on that we should keep an eye out for?

L: I’m sitting on loads of unreleased tunes right now and should be cranking one out for a free release ever two weeks at least till fall then I want to shoot for an EP or LP release this winter. We will see who knows haha.

BA: Any statements in particular you’d like to add?

L: I really think the music scene has the power to reconnect the world. I have worked with artists on every continent sometimes whom did not speak a word of English. To be able to connect like that is really something special. Music makes the world much smaller and I love that.

BA: Anything you want people to know about you?­

L: My name is Neil Berry I am 24 years old. I am very easy going, highly sarcastic and love meeting new people and seeing new places. I graduated college in 2012 with a BA in Electrical Engeering and since have pursued my passion for music. I have had no professional musical training and am all self-taught. Because of my background I produce very mathematically and recognize patterns that work more than going directly off of music theory. That is something I love about collaborating with other musicians is everyone has their own approach to production and there is something to be learned from everyone.